
Technology Business Research Labs helps companies find new ways to do things differently. During 2020 - every pursuit became a form of "Research for Life" in the face of immense disruption and uncertainty.

Our mission is help our clients understand their situation(s); identify key questions; seek options; and then to pursue solutions that would deliver the best possible outcome. Outcomes Matter.

Technology Business Research
-- Outcomes Matter --

Human beings have a capability called resilience that helps and pushes us to adapt and overcome troubling, painful situations. TBR-Lab can help you design and manage for resilience. It's that simple - and that complex.

The glass is not half empty or half full, it's refillable.
The question is - what can we fill it with?  
This is where our jouney begins.



Questioning is the art of learning. The more we question, the deeper our insights become and the greater our ability to understand.


Imagine you have already reached your desired outcome, fully and completely. What does it look like? Who are you bringing along? Why?



Everything is connected to everything else -- and so the new business of business is no longer just business. It's Navigation.

Our Services

Imagine that you're flying comfortably along in first class enjoying the hard earned benefits of your success -- and without warning things start going wrong - one thing leading to another - and all of a sudden everything changes - navigational aids are offline, your destination is unreachable, air traffic control is slient; fuel is running out and for reasons that no one can fathom the airplane is starting to deteriorate. What now ?

Our only choice is take inventory of what we know and what we have, re-imagine a positive outcome for our situation; set out a plan; and then start re-engineering and re-building the airplane as we fly - in search of safety and survival.

We won't candy coat the truth. You'll get direct answers to direct questions.

Science / Technology

Never before, have so many of the world’s researchers focused so urgently on the intersections of science with technology.

Need help finding your competitive advantage within Science / Technology?

Strategic Technology Advisory

Businesses are looking for answers on how to protect their companies, adjust operations, and navigate uncertainty.

Need help building organizational resilience -- finding advantage in adversity?

Medicine / Medical Devices

With > 1.5 million medical devices already on the market, and 3,000 new ones entering every year, its big business.

Need help in finding advantage in adversity to bring your ideas to life?

Business Evolution

Business leaders have to navigate shattered expectations, widely disparate outcomes, and continued uncertainty.

Need help to set a new course, create a sense of urgency and avoid complacency?

Negotiations & Conflict Resolution

A crisis is like a receding tide — it reveals the rocks beneath the surface that were there all along.

Need help navigating challenging situations and resolving disputes?

Applied Research

Applied research is an important scientific approach because it helps organisations to arrive at practical solutions.

Need help to solve scientific problems or develop new technology?

Contact Us


Let us know how we can help.
Please provide details.

2112 Three Brooks Road
Pictou, NS B0K 1H0


2644 Roseberry Avenue
Victoria, BC V8R 3T7


+1 (902) 489-8429